Stacks of Cash
Stacks of Cash by Monterey Wealth offers insights into many financial topics and financial news headlines to help educate you in the world of personal finance.
Stacks of Cash
Time In the Market, Not Timing the Market
Monterey Wealth
Season 2
Episode 9
What if we were to tell you that if you invested $10,000 in the S&P 500 on 12/31/2006 and left it alone for 15 years, you would have $45,682 on 12/31/2021? That's a 10.66% annualized total return.!
What if you tried to time the market and missed:
- Best 10 days in the market? $20,929 (5.05% annualized total return)
- Best 20 days in the market? $12,671 (1.59% annualized total return)
- Best 30 days in the market? $8,365 (-1.18% annualized total return)
It's nearly impossible to "time the market".
*Data is historical. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. For informational purposes only. Not an investment recommendation.